Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to Train Your Dragon 2!

It's gonna be awesome! There's a teaser trailer on Youtube that I watched the other day, and...well, watch it for yourself!!

Get a load of that armor! 
Now, I didn't know that this movie was set five years after the first one, So when I saw Hiccups face...
He's 18 now.
That's gonna be different.
I hope the movie will be epicly amazing.
Incredibly AWESOME!!!!!!!

Stick with me people, I'm sure I'll grow up someday.
(although, I'm not sure anyone ever said it was childish to hype about HTTYD2...)



  1. That would be soooo cool to be able to do that!! I mean, to have a pet dragon who does what you tell him/her. To be able to fly.... that's something I've always been sad I couldn't do!

    I wonder if we'll be able to fly when we get to heaven. :-) Can't wait. :-)

  2. IKR???? I would totally love to fly. That would be amazing. XD

  3. What is how to train your dragon like? I've never watched it.

    1. It's a movie about a tribe of vikings who are constantly having to battle these dragons, who are stealing their livestock. The movie focuses on the chief's son, a small weak boy named Hiccup. During a battle with the dragons, he captures a Night Fury, the rarest of all rare dragons, that no one has ever seen. He ends up taming the dragon, and now, has to make peace between his village and dragon-kind. It's a great movie with epic music and a great plot line. I would definitely recommend it!
