Saturday, March 16, 2013

Have you ever had a cold sore?

I have! And believe me, they hurt! Today, I had a lovely time reading a book, built a rather unremarkable Lego car, played Wii, read some more, walked around the house aimlessly(cause it's really cold outside), and helped my sister get passed the stuck point on her Nancy Drew game. Now the question is, How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?



  1. He would chuck as much wood as a wood chuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood! XD That was hard to type. I guess it's not only a tongue twister, but a finger twister as well!

  2. While it makes for a great tongue-twister, the sad answer is: probably none. Woodchucks aren’t particularly tree-oriented, and while they can climb to find food, they prefer being on the ground. In fact, they got the name “woodchuck” from British trappers who couldn’t quite wrap their tongues around the Cree Indian name “wuhak.”
    More commonly (and accurately) known as groundhogs, these animals are closely related to squirrels, marmots, and prairie dogs, with which they share an affinity for burrowing. And actually, a burrowing woodchuck can chuck dirt, in the form of tunnels that can reach five feet deep and as much as 35 feet in length.
    So, based on that number, New York State wildlife expert Richard Thomas calculated that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he could chuck as much as 700 pounds of the stuff.

    (I pulled that off of Andy's thread. :P)

    1. That's hilarious. :D I love random information like that. 700 lbs? I wonder how much wood *I* can chuck? *worries* I musn't be outdone by a groundhog...
